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This is your job opening description. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Write a detailed overview of the position and responsibilities, and how this role will contribute to the success of Trusted Partner Payments.

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Small Business Advocate


This is your job opening description. Be sure to include both educational and experiential requirements for the position, as well as details about the type of person you are looking for. Write a detailed overview of the position and responsibilities, and how this role will contribute to the success of Trusted Partner Payments.

Careers: Careers

All merchant accounts are referred to and processing services provided by PAYPROTEC Inc. Payment Processing Technologies, LLC. is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA. The Bancorp Bank, Philadelphia PA and BMO Harris N.A. Chicago, IL. American Express requires separate approval. (c) Copyright 2022 . Payment Processing Technologies, LLC

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